Love. Life. Everything else.

Monday, September 18, 2006

The Kid in Kai

Intro: Haven't posted for the past weeks due to busy schedules, deadlines to beat, crappy web connections, alien invasions and missed breakfasts. Lots of topics have been running in my mind that would be worthy to be posted but the right words to say seem to run out. Then i thought of Kai. And my tired fingers just began tapping keyboard with these words...

Kai was born a Gemini. Geminis are known to be fun loving and intelligent (or so the horoscope says). Kai wore the biggest smile at home. Her smile would reach from ear to ear and we would avoid getting close to her she might bite our head off (nah, just kidding.). She loved chocolates and candies like nothing else in the world. You would actually see the sparkle in her eyes everytime my titas and my mom bring something for her. She would hug the package and jump up and down to show her excitement. Everybody would think she's some zoo animal who just got out of her cage. She also has the most natural laugh at home. She laughs because she thinks what she saw on TV is funny, and not because she has to laugh because everybody does.

And boy, was she intelligent. She learned writing her own name at the age of 4. I pity her for not being able to step up to 2nd grade because of the doctor's advice. She was in 1st grade for 3 months in 2 consecutive years. She would be over excited going to school every June, only to find out that she has to stop by September due to her weekly laboratory visits and monthly hospital admittance. Weeks before June, she'd be ready with her school supplies and my other sister would just drool seeing Kai with her brand new things. She would have a Hello Kitty (her favorite) backpack, Kerokeropi notebooks, Disney pencil case, etc etc. She was spoiled, and she loved it. She also went hi-tech when i got my PC in 2002. She doesn't know how to read that much but she was sharp on mouse manuevers and keyboard shorcuts. I can never forget the time when she begged for me to draw the Powerpuff Girls (yeah, Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup) on MS Paint. She would be the one write their names after i finished them. She also asked me to draw Dexter, Cow & Chicken and I Am Weasel. I loved that smile in her face when i draw the characters as good as the original. She was also good in MS Word and MS Powerpoint. Whoa. At age 10, with no formal education, she could already create slide presentations. I saw that eagerness in her to learn. She would borrow my phone and put the forwarded messages in my inbox to her slides. Now, only her presentations remain in my PC, but i've provided her a special place in My Documents.

Kai was also the one who made me donate 500cc of blood every 3 months. Being an anemic, she has to undergo blood tranfusion every two months. Luckily, everybody in the family was of blood type "A". Both of my older brothers along with an uncle and a family friend take turns in giving Kai the much needed hemoglobins. I gave her my first drop of blood when i was 17. I have to wait for a few months to get the required weight. And boy, was it painful! Feeling the needle inside your veins, and seeing your own blood pass through the tubes straight to the blood bag. I can only imagine Kai's pain everytime she gets insulin shots every 12 hours. She was strong, and we love her for that. When she passed away, I've always wanted to donate blood to the Red Cross. I only did it once, when my other sister asked me as part of her subject requirement at school.

I missed that feeling of happiness knowing your blood runs in another person, especially someone really close to you. I miss the feeling of being a hero, knowing you just saved someone.

I miss Kai. Very. I miss her giggles everytime my mom tickles her. I miss the fear in her eyes and her screams everytime she sees a matchstick and we would just laugh. I miss her punches everytime i make kulit to her. I miss her giving the poor guy me a part of her food. I miss her seeing in front of the PC tapping the keyboard as if she knows what she's typing. I miss carrying her on my back and complaining "Bug-ata na nmo Kai oi." I miss her artistic skills when she cuts pictures from the newspaper and pastes them in her scrapbook. I miss her writing her name over and over again and asks if her penmanship has improved. I miss her singing to some tunes even the alternative tracks i have at home.

God, i miss her. **weeps**

Outro: Remember to breathe.

huhumms: "Apart" by Urbandub


Anonymous Anonymous said...

...dumbfounded..."i feel you".

1:41 PM  
Blogger Jan said...

You have a way of making me cry.


8:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gosshhh...grabe ang iyong post. Makatouch jud siya. I can't even describe what i am feeling.

7:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way, link kita ha...

7:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

napansin ko rin ang url mo is mysisterkai..

you really love him. grabe jud oi, makatouch talaga. Ika nga ni jae, nakakaiyak talaga.

7:08 PM  
Blogger jose paulo said...

eynks alma. thanks for linking me up. i'll link you up too. My Links is still under construction pa. Guess wat, you're there! hehe. ciao.

9:28 AM  
Blogger kendi 'ching said...

awwww... shucks! how touching...

10:48 PM  

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